1-5W MR16 LED驱动GreenPoin解决方电感生产厂家案
This reference document describes a built and tested, GreenPoint® solution for a 1 to 5WLED driv电感厂er for MR16 LED replacement. The circuit is proposed for driving HB--LED (high--brightness 工字电感LED) in a variety of lighting applications but is configured in size and features for an MR16 LED replacement. Configurations like this are found in 12 Vac / 12 Vdc track lighting applications, automotive applications, and low voltage AC landscaping applications as well as task lighting such as under--cabinet lights and desk lamps that might be powered from standard off--the—shelf Vac wall adapters.
The circuit is based around the ON Semiconductor NCP3065 operating at ~150 kHz in a non—isolated configuration. A key consideration in this design was achieving flat current regula塑封电感器tion across input line variation and output voltage variation with a 12 Vac input. It also features an auto--detect circuit in combination with the NCP3065 which allows input from a 12 Vdc or 12 Vac supply and still maintain targeted output current regulation.
 图6贴片电感器.1-5W MR16 LED驱动方框图
 图7.1-5W MR16 LED驱动器外形图
 图8.1-5W MR16 LED驱动器电路图
三菱电机今年以“创新功率器件构建可持续未来”为题,携带六款全新产品,于近日在上海世博展览馆举行的PCIM亚洲展2014中隆重亮相。 今年展出的产品范围跨越六大领域,包括:工业应用、变频家电应用、 稳态过压保护 功率电感持续时间较长的过压条件被看作稳态过压,例如,过压持续时间超过了对应器件的热时间常数。这种情况下,连续的功率耗散引起温度快速上升成为首要问题,稳态过压通常包括以下几种情况:失效的 实例设计 “表 1”所示规范为设计比较的基础。第一个设计使用一个耦合电感,而第二个则使用两个非耦合电感。一体成型电感使用一个耦合电感的设计是典型的 64W 输出功率车载输入电压范围。方程式1表明,耦
上一篇: 基于MM908E625和Low-G的汽车驾驶状态(疲劳驾驶)监控